Monday, July 30, 2007

Pub Marketing

I was talking to someone at work today, about the lack of pubs marketing towards the 18-25 market. They told me Of a pub that was, however, I was not convinced that the actions taken by the said establishedment were infact aimed at the age bracket in question.

It is my opinion, that painting the wall, increase the prices of meals, dereasing the sizes of meals, and holding kareoke competions, are not markets ploys to pull in the younger drinker.
If you were setting up an over 28s, maybe.

I would be interested to hear others oppinions on the subject.


Tab said...


I'm not an expert as I've past the 18-25 age bracket now. Personally I think good seating, attractive flooring [either a good carpet or floor boards, enjoyable music [with live acts that are varied] that doesn't "take over", good pool tables [more than one] and decent food for a good price - but with a twist of sophistication would attract me to a pub. Also differently themed nites, like Wednesday nite cocktail nite, Friday, sports for the boagans, you know different focuses, even a weekly triva comp, these are all excellent things - they would create a group ownership in a place, and attract people. And for goodness sake, have decent beer!

Tab said...

oh, we should all go out for an evening sometime. it'd be fun. even if its BH style :)